West Coast Cops
Western Australia is the largest, most remote and sparsely populated police district in the world. With a population of almost 3 million, the police force covers a massive 2.5 million square kilometres. The population is growing and police numbers are down. In desperate need of more police the WA force has recruited 150 experienced officers from the UK. West Coast Cops follows 7 of these officers as they make the momentous decision to uproot their lives in the UK and move to the other side of the world to become Western Australian Cops. On arrival they undergo 3 months of training, including taser and firearms, and they must pass all units to become a West Aussie Cop, they then have a 3 month probation period on the beat. But it’s not just work that’s tough. They are starting their lives all over again, some with young children and partners, leaving family and friends behind. The many challenges include finding a new home, schools, doctors, hair dressers, buying furniture, phones, cars and replacing all those coat hangers they left behind…
Broadcaster: Channel 9, U&W